The AEMTA EventsAir Membership Module is now live! As this is a new system, all members are required to create a new account using the link above. If you're looking to renew, please email to receive a renewal link. We appreciate your patience as we work to improve the platform. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

As a health care professional, you have a great deal of responsibility and are willing to accept the challenges that come with the position of caregiver. The Arkansas EMT Association is just the ticket for those seeking to develop their skills or to share ideas with people of similar backgrounds.

AEMTA is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to EMS excellence.  The Association strives to promote the professional status of the First Responder and EMT and encourages continuing education through its focus on current concepts of emergency care.

How can you benefit as a member?

Certification marks the beginning of each EMT’s career.  Continuing education is necessary to prevent skill degradation and to learn about emerging technology.  Only through continuing education and networking can we assure ourselves. and those we are fortunate enough to serve, that quality care is always available.

Membership Levels

**** Note: Department Memberships can only be completed and mailed or emailed in. Online registration of departments is not available. Download the Department (Squad) Membership Application below.

Regular Membership – $20 per year

Any resident of the State of Arkansas who has certification from the Arkansas Department of Health and /or the National Registry of  Emergency Medical Technicians is eligible for Regular Membership.

Any resident of the State of Arkansas who has completed an approved DOT First Responder Course and/or is a volunteer with a recognized volunteer agency is eligible for regular membership.

Any resident of the State of Arkansas who is employed by and/or affiliated with an  EMS agency as recognized by the board of directors is eligible for regular membership.

Any person who is not a resident of the State of Arkansas, but who can meet the requirements as stated above may become a regular voting member but may not be elected to an office within the association or any of its committees or societies.

Associate Membership – $15 per year

Any individual or organization who is not an emergency medical technician or first responder may become an Associate Member. An Associate Member shall have none of the obligations of membership other than dues and shall not be entitled to make motions, vote, or may not be elected to an office within the association or any of its committees or societies.

Lifetime Membership – $250 (one time payment)

Any individuals who qualify as active members and pay a one-time Lifetime membership dues as determined by the Board of Directors may become a Lifetime Member. Lifetime members are entitled to the privileges given to any active member as defined by the by-laws and policies set forth by the Association. Members who are elected to the office of President and who have completed their terms as President shall be granted lifetime membership in the Association without having to pay any membership dues.

Honorary Membership – No Charge

Upon the signed recommendation of one member, seconded by another member, and by two-thirds vote by the Board of Directors, Honorary Membership may be conferred upon any person who shall have rendered notable services to the association. An Honorary Member shall be entitled to all privileges of the Association except those of making motions, voting, and election to an office within the association or any of its societies.

Emeritus Membership – No Charge

A member, upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, who has a long history of service to the Association but may no longer be actively engaged in the EMS Profession, may be elected to Emeritus Membership Status. Such person shall have rendered outstanding service to the Association. He/She would be given the title Member Emeritus. A Member Emeritus, or an Officer Emeritus (using proper title, e.g. President Emeritus) shall have none of the obligations of office but shall be entitled to all the privileges and rights pertaining thereto.

Affiliate Membership – $120 per year

Any manufacturer or distributor actively engaged in the work related to emergency services may apply for Affiliate Membership in the Arkansas Emergency Medical Technicians Association, Inc.  Said Affiliate member will not be entitled to make motions, vote, or may not be elected to an office within the association or any of its committees or societies.

Membership shall be contingent upon the approval of the membership committee.

Corporate Membership – $250 per year

Corporations or businesses may join the Arkansas EMT Association as Corporate Members.

The corporate member will have the following benefits:

– A fifty percent (50%) discount on all advertising in the EMT Association Newsletter and the conference program.

– Officers or employees of the corporation may attend any EMT Association meeting but will not
be entitled to make motions, vote, or may not be elected to an office within the association or
any of its committees or societies.

– All EMT Association quarterly newsletters and EMS Conference Program will have a listing of
all corporate members.

Department (Squad) Membership – $175 per year for 20 members; $8 each additional

Services or organizations may join the Arkansas EMT Association as a Department Member which includes the first 20 members. The members will have the same rights and privileges as regular members.

For membership questions or problems please e-mail